Friday, January 21, 2011

Uma Thurman visits doggie police precinct about.

Uma Thurman who walked across the street,where she lives, went to fill a complant with this doggie police precinct,Uma Thurman sat down at the desk of the doggie police desk sgt named baxter,who was eating lots of dog treats watching his dog whipsher dvd on his police computer,he dropped what he was doing to help Uma Thurman ,with the complant that she filed with she told that Anglinela Jolie dropped her 8 kids at Molly's house,she is letting them run around and yell and scream and throw rocks at passing on a very street,Police doggie Sgt Baxter,told Uma Thurman,i will help you with your complate.
A few hours later A empty s.w.a.t police van parked in front of molly's house, Police Dennis Peck,along with a doggie detective named Pippin ,along with 2 very beautful youth goddees, named Sarah Jessica Parker and and A much younger youth goddess named Nina Dobrev who is wearing a low cut corset and she is wearing very beauitful long brown hair and speaks great english, and used to work for the russian police deptment, but both these 2 great looking police youth goddess went inside molly's house,to get her to get anglina jolie 's 8 kids to stop being so loud ,Molly refused to comply with them,Very Younger younger Nina Dobrev took out of her clothes remover and made molly a naked woman, she took her hands to cover her naked body,and Then Sarah Jessica Parker had molly wear a low cut gown ,and molly was wearing her very beauitful long brown hair down,Nina Dobrev used her magic powers and turned molly into a little girl again standing her baggy gown,while those other kids were running around, and after a few minutes, both youth goddess police officers left molly's house.

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